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[Mid-Autumn Festival New Products Launched] 5 major series of new products are launched! Add LINE to order and enjoy limited time discounts! Click me to go to the event area

3秒決勝點! 商品陳架列就是最大戰場?!如何從中脫穎而出?

3 seconds to win! Product display is the biggest battlefield?! How to stand out?

Whether you are a small business owner who has just started a business or have encountered a bottleneck in product sales, this article is a must-read!

Why is it said that product display shelves are the biggest battlefield?

Apart from the quality of the product itself, where is it sold? Where is it placed? Who is your competition? How can you retain customers through your product? Do you fully understand these factors? They are likely to be key to your sales success.

5 major points to pay attention to when displaying products on shelves:



prime location

Observe consumer purchasing habits and characteristics, and take advantage of the following prime locations in stores to make your products more visible:

  • Store entrance
  • Both sides of the escalator
  • Main store aisle
  • Next to the cashier (right side for most customers, as it's their dominant hand)
  • Shelves at eye level (if most of your buyers are women, the ideal placement height is 150~170 cm)



    Observe the common features of competitors' packaging, such as color schemes, box shapes, etc., and create packaging that differentiates your product and makes it memorable. This will make it easier for customers to notice and choose your product in a short time.

    Bitian's carrot cake breaks away from the traditional red packaging, using azure blue and pure white as the main colors. This not only aligns with the brand's concept but also stands out from the traditional red carrot cake packaging, making it more likely to catch the customer’s attention on the display shelf. The small, thoughtful window design on the front also allows customers to take a direct look at the delicious food inside.


    clear at a glance

      When customers can easily tell what you're selling just by looking at your brand logo and packaging, they are more likely to remember and choose your product immediately.

      The logo and packaging design of Nan Nan Private Kitchen, a handmade chili product specialty store, incorporate chili imagery, allowing customers to instantly associate the product with chili peppers just by seeing the logo. This makes it easier for customers to form an impression of your brand. The prominent packaging imagery on store shelves further increases the likelihood of customers selecting your product at first glance.


      After defeating your competitors on the shelf display, what's next? How can you retain customers and increase repeat purchases through your product? This is one of the key factors in sustainable brand management. Scroll down to see how their brand achieves this!


      Thoughtful information

        In addition to basic product information on the packaging, providing additional suggestions from the customer's perspective, such as consumption tips or storage advice, can increase customers' positive impressions of your brand.

        The Miyue Oil Rice from Topic Steamer is not only praised for its deliciousness but also enjoys a stellar online reputation for its thoughtful service, human touch, and warmth. This not only makes the purchasing experience pleasant but also ensures that the packaging provides clear notes on food consumption and storage issues that customers may face after buying it. This attention to detail makes customers feel valued and is one of the key factors behind the brand's success.


        customer experience

          Is your product easy for customers to carry? If the packaging design can be more user-friendly—considering factors like whether it has a handle, or if it’s convenient to open and access the contents—this will greatly enhance customer satisfaction. Independent packaging within the product that makes consumption and storage easier can also make a significant impact on customer favorability and increase repeat purchases.

          The popular Mini Moon Cake not only uses high-quality ingredients to convey sincerity, but it also considers customer convenience. The thoughtful internal packaging allows customers to eat without getting their hands dirty, greatly enhancing the customer experience.

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          [New Mid-Autumn Festival products launched]

          This year’s new product exclusively launches 9-piece and 12-piece flip-up boxes with quick and easy discounts, saving time and effort〃 ●∇●〃

          Order via LINE before 9/25 to enjoy the limited discount price


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