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[Mid-Autumn Festival New Products Launched] 5 major series of new products are launched! Add LINE to order and enjoy limited time discounts! Click me to go to the event area

日本系甜點包裝來了!幾何藝術融會日本圖騰, 「純粹」好療癒。

Japanese dessert packaging has arrived! Geometric art blends with Japanese motifs, creating a pure and soothing experience.

The prelude of autumn begins, and dessert lovers’ taste buds quietly awaken.
Shin Ding Packaging presents a new series of dessert packaging—Pure. Geometric art blends with Japanese motifs, delivering a fresh and pure sensory experience.

The design is inspired by Kobe, often referred to as the "City of Japanese Desserts," renowned for its rich pastry culture. It favors the use of pure white to highlight the deep blue sky, coastal scenery, the green and brown of trees, and the orange-red symbolizing the sun.

The "Pure" packaging design seamlessly integrates into pastry shops, allowing customers to experience the delight of exquisite desserts and the joy of takeaways.

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[New Mid-Autumn Festival products launched]

This year’s new product exclusively launches 9-piece and 12-piece flip-up boxes with quick and easy discounts, saving time and effort〃 ●∇●〃

Order via LINE before 9/25 to enjoy the limited discount price


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